Monday 29 November 2010

Si vous avez besoin d'un titre de transport...

If you need a Versailles transport ticket, this is where you can buy it. The booth stands just opposite Rive Gauche train station which in turn is opposite Starbucks. This is an archive photo.
.... c'est ici que vous pourrez l'acquérir. Juste entre la gare rive gauche et Starbucks. Ceci est une photo de la fin de l'hiver dernier.


Olivier said...

et ton billet est encore valable ? de toute facon quand il neige, la RAPT et la SNCF ne fonctionne pas, alors pas besoin de ticket ;)

Anonymous said...

My wife took a train to Penn Center and the ticket desk didn't look anything like this! Your booth is quite elaborate.

Bob Crowe said...

Oh, I think I've been there, getting lost along the way. That could never happen now while carrying an iPhone. Of course, you could also sniff for the Starbucks. There was a bit of a scandal when, if I recall correctly, the first Starbucks in Paris opened on L"Avenue de l'Opera.

Jack said...

Very elegant. But, the French do have style . . .

Leif Hagen said...

Looks like a fancy, historic, elegant place to buy a ticket!

Malyss said...

Très joli, ce petit kiosque à tickets, et plein d'un charme désuet! j'espère que tu as fait bon voyage et que tu n'as pas eu trop froid!

Cergie said...

Bon d'accord. Mais pour stationner depuis un an où est ce que tu as acheté ton ticket ?
Parce qu'à Paris c'est galère-galère quand on est rebelle à moneo

VP said...

I remember this, but we only walked that day...

Anonymous said...

Love the way it reflects the buildings!

Cezar and Léia said...

Wow fabulous reflections there, I loved the second composition!

andrew1860 said...

I know this place very well all the times I have been to Versailles!!!

Catherine said...

La resquille ? C'est possible ?

Small City Scenes said...

Welcome back. Hey you left not feeling well and you were supposed to get better. I hope you are feeling better soon. Chicken Soup--steaming hot. I think it is the steam that is actually good for you. MB

Loree said...

A very pretty ticket booth - fit for a king. Versailles is more fascinating than I could have imagined.

Lowell said...

I don't much care for Starbucks coffee, but if it's the only option...well, I'll drink it. I can imagine it might be worthwhile to have a cup while waiting in line to buy a ticket...Starbucks is certainly strong enough to keep you awake. I put a spoon in a cup of Starbucks one time and it stood straight up!

Nah, just kidding.

Glad you're back. Not glad to hear you're still not well. I hope you improve rapidly and completely!

Halcyon said...

It's a very attractive spot with all that glass and fancy metalwork.